Friday, October 28, 2011

5.9 and 5.10

Tell the person next to you…
How do particles in move in a solid, a liquid and a gas?
·         Describe…
o    speed of particles - The particles in solid vibrates, therefore they have the slowest speed. Liquid has a faster speed while gas is the fastest.  
o    relative position of particles (fixed or not) - Solid vibrates in a fixed position while liquid and gas do not.
o    pattern of particles (regularly arranged or not) - Only solid has a regular arrangement while liquid and gas do not. 
o    size of the particles - Solid has the smallest particle size. Liquid's particles are bigger, and gas has the biggest particle size. (They expand due to heat absorbed during the change of state.)
o    space between the particles - Solid vibrates in a fixed position so the particles are packed closely together. Liquid move around but still slide past each other, so the particles are also in a close position. Gas move around freely in random motion and therefore there are very large space between particles.
o    strength of bonds between the particles - Solid has very strong bond between particles, while liquid has a weaker bond. Gas has a very weak bond (weakest compared to the other two). 




Use the animation to verify your answers


·         5.9 recall that particles in a liquid have a random motion within a close-packed irregular structure
·         5.10 recall that particles in a solid vibrate about fixed positions within a close-packed regular structure
·         Complete the missing words in the table below
·         Cut and paste the particle images into the table




Arrangement of Particles
Motion of Particles
Other Properties


Closely packed
·         regular pattern
·         Vibrate about a fixed position
·         Fixed shape
·         not easily compressed since particles are closely packed
·         Strong bonds


Closely packed
·         no pattern
·         free to flow over each other
·         takes shape of its container
·         can be poured
·         not easily compressed since particles are closely packed
·         Weak bonds


widely spaced
·         no pattern
·         very fast moving
·         random directions
·         fills its container
·         can be poured

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