Sunday, December 25, 2011


6.2 Starter

Neodymium magnets are strong…

6.2 starter 2

Magnetic materials are attracted by magnets.
·         Can you list the 5 magnetic materials? 

(3 elements, 2 compounds)



3 elements

1.          Fe (iron)
2.          Co (cobalt)
3.          Ni (nickel)


2 compounds

1.          Steel (an alloy of iron)
2.          Fe3O4 (magnetite (lodestone), one of the oxides of iron)


And the exceptions that prove the rule…    ?

·         Magnet moves water - diamagnetism

·         Levitating frog...

·         Ferrofluids…

(Picture on page "6.4 6.5 6.6 6")

·         6.2 recall that magnets repel and attract other magnets, and attract magnetic substances


You have 3 bars that all look the exactly the same but they are made from:

1.      a magnet
2.      steel
3.      aluminium

You are given a horseshoe magnet.  How can you use this to tell which bar is which?


1.          The bar magnet will be attracted to one pole of the horseshoe magnet and repelled by the other
2.          The steel bar will be attracted to both poles of the horseshoe magnet
3.          The aluminium bar will be attracted to neither pole of the horseshoe magnet

6.2 Plenary - Multichoice questions

Attraction and repulsion quiz.swf Download this file

6b Plenary Multichoice questions.pptx Download this file

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