Friday, August 19, 2011


10 June 2011
4.6 recall that energy transfer may take place by conduction, convection and radiation
Task 1
·         Try the animation: particle model - conduction
·         Extension: what is the limitation of this animation? (Check your answer with the Heating a Solid animation)


Particle model - conduction.swf Download this file

We cannot control the amount/temperature of heat we would like it to be since the fire was lighted up by a match.

Task 2

·         Try the quiz on the Cooking animation
·         Extension: what's the mistake in the description of convection?
The correct explanation should be that in a convection current, the molecules started to rise when heated, forcing the molecules on top to sink down to replace the risen molecules. The mistake is that they are not supposed shrink and sink just because they were cooled down.

Cooking using Conduction, Convection and Radiation - interactive animation.swf Download this file

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