Sunday, June 26, 2011

Topic 4 Keywords

Unit 4 Keywords

Biomass - plants used as a fuel
Capital resource - energy resource that once used is not replaced
Fossil fuel - energy resource made from the bodies of animals or plants that lived millions of years ago (coal, oil, gas)
Fuel - substance that can be burnt releasing heat energy and is an energy resource
Geothermal - energy transferred as heat inside the Earth
Hydroelectric - transforming the energy from moving water into electrical energy
Joules - unit of energy
Mineral oil - Crude oil usually found deep below ground, formed from the bodies of tiny sea creatures
Non-renewable - energy resources that cannot be replaced
Renewable energy resource - energy resource that is continually replaced
Solar Cell - device to transform sunlight directly into electricity
Solar energy - energy from the Sun
Solar panel - device to collect solar energy
Thermometer - device for measuring temperature
Transform/transformed - to change the voltage of electricity


Thursday, June 23, 2011


Check out my posterous blog!


Check out my posterous website! :D

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Scientific facts I need to remember for next time (EOY10 exam)

Components which affect the size of the current can be...
- resistor
- power supply 
but NOT ammeters or switch

Q: A lorry is traveling in a straight line and it is accelerating. The total forward force on the lorry is F and the total backward force is B.
Which is larger, force F or force B? Explain your answer.
A: Force F, because there must be an unbalanced force in order for the lorry to move and accelerate (in this case, moving forward, so force F is bigger).

The characteristic in which all electromagnetic waves share....
- SAME speed (not just speed!)
- They're all electromagnetic waves.

addition: Speed can affect both thinking and braking distance.